Hefbundinn saumatvinni úr 100% polyester. Hentar í allan vélsaum. Kosturinn við þennan tvinna er ekki bara styrkurinn, heldur gefur hann örlítið eftir. Þegar reynir á saum, þá eru minni líkur á saumsprettu ef þessi tvinni er notaður. Við mælum með þessum tvinna í verkefni með löngum saumum. Sparkefli með 500m.
Afsláttur!Góður alhliða tvinni í alls konar vél- og handsaum úr 100% endurunnu pólýester. 100m í kefli.
Afsláttur!Höfundur: Kim Hargreaves Útgefandi: Kim Hargreaves (2007)Mjúkspjalda | 96 bls. Tungumál: Enska Þyngd: 474 g | Mál: 218 x 280 x 12 mm
Breidd 243 cm. Metraverð 3.300 kr. Selt í 50 cm lengdareiningum = 1.650 kr. HEIRLOOM vatt - 80% bómull / 20% pólíester. Þetta vatt hefur alla eiginleika bómullarvatts en er örlítið léttara og sterkara vegna pólýester blöndunnar. Hentar vel í bútasaumsteppi. 1 eining = 50 cm, 2 einingar = 100 cm, 3 einingar = 150 cm, 4 einingar = 200 cm, 5 einingar 250 cm o.s.frv.
Höfundur: Sally HardingÚtgefandi: Vaka Helgafell (2024) Harðspjalda | 224 bls. Tungumál: Íslenska Þyngd: 830 g20 auðveldar uppskriftir – Yfir 100 aðferðir og heklmunstur. Viltu læra að hekla? Þá er Heklað skref fyrir skref rétta bókin fyrir þig! Hér geturðu kynnst öllum grundvallaratriðum í hekli – aðferðum, garni og áhöldum – og hvert skref er vandlega útskýrt til að auðvelda þér að læra rétt handbragð. Uppskriftir og grunnaðferðir í hekli, heklmunstur, festingar, skraut og frágangur: allt er nákvæmlega sýnt með greinargóðum skýringarljósmyndum. Ómissandi handbók fyrir alla sem langar til að hekla sér eitthvað fallegt.
Höfundur: Sarah ShrimptonÙtgefandi: David & Charles (2021)Mjúkspjalda | 128 bls. Þyngd: 454 g | Mál: 216 x 229 x 7.62 mm
Hello Hexie! : 20 easy crochet patterns from simple granny hexagons
It's time to see granny hexagons in a whole new light with this inspired collection of modern crochet patterns for clothes, accessories and homewares. Quilters have always known the power of the hexagon but now crocheters can get in on the action too with a collection of step-by-step instructions for crochet hexagon motifs and crochet patterns. It's time for the granny square to move over and make way for the hexagon, the hottest new crochet motif! In this unique collection, popular crochet designer and author, Sarah Shrimpton reveals patterns for 10 unique crochet hexagon designs so you can pick your favourite. As well as the written pattern there are also crochet charts for each of the hexagons for extra clarity. Once you've practised your hexie skills you can choose from a collection of 20 step-by-step projects that you will be itching to stitch thanks to their simplicity and creativity. Hexagons are quick and easy to make and can be combined in a myriad of ways to create a huge range of projects - from garments and accessories to home decor and even toys. Sarah reveals how the humble hexagon can be used as the basis for a wide range of projects including a cute, retro mini skirt, a boho bag, cosy slipper socks and a boho daisy design wall hanging. These little motifs are so flexible that they lend themselves to everything from a dainty shrug and a lacy summer top to a heavy wool rug and a cosy poncho depending on the size of yarn and crochet hook that you use, the possibilities are endless! Crocheting motifs is the ultimate portable crochet project - they are small enough to carry with you when you're on the move - and because each project is made using just hexies and some simple joining techniques, this collection is suitable even for complete beginners. Before you know it you will have stitched enough hexies to create the perfect gift to impress friends and family. This refreshing twist on the classic granny square will get you excited about the possibility of the humble six-sided polygon and how it can be used to create gorgeous projects... one little hexie at a time. -
Afsláttur!Höfundur: Kim Hargreaves Útgefandi: Kim Hargreaves (2014)Mjúkspjalda | 104 bls. Tungumál: Enska Þyngd: 518 g | Mál: 217 x 280 x 10 mm Kim Hargreaves, fyrrum hönnuður hjá Rowan, er þekkt fyrir fallega og stílhreina prjónhönnun. Hún leggur áherslu á að hanna fyrir konur, mest peysur en líka fylgihluti eins og húfur og trefla. Undanfarin ár hafa komið út reglulega prjónabækur eftir hana þar sem hún notar eingöngu garn frá Rowan. Prjónhönnun Kim Hargreaves er klassísk og í eldri sem og nýrri bókunum hennar er að finna margar áhugaverðar flíkur.
Afsláttur!Höfundur: Kim Hargreaves Útgefandi: Kim Hargreaves (2020)
Mjúkspjalda | 68 bls.
Tungumál: Enska Þyngd: 278 g | Mál: 210 x 260 x 7 mm -
Höfundur: Guðrún Hannele HenttinenÚtgefandi: Forlagið (2020) Harðspjalda | 272 bls. Tungumál: EnskaÞyngd: 1000 gThe mittens in this book are a contemporary interpretation of a collection of 19th- and 20th-century mittens and gloves from the Textile Museum in Blönduós in North Iceland. These carefully reconstructed patterns and charts enable the creation of modern versions of a rich knitting tradition, focusing on both the utility and beauty of these knitted mittens and gloves. The book emphasizes the variety of stranded colour patterns and many different techniques so that all knitters can find a pair to knit at their desired level of complexity. The author, Guðrún Hannele Henttinen, has a degree in textile teaching and has taught knitting for many years. For more than a decade she has also been the owner of Storkurinn, a yarn shop in Reykjavík. Click here to see a document with revised patterns.
Afsláttur!Höfundur: Kim Hargreaves Útgefandi: Kim Hargreaves (2012)Mjúkspjalda | 104 bls. Tungumál: Enska Þyngd: 522 g | Mál: 217 x 280 x 10 mm
Höfundur: Guðrún Hannele HenttinenÚtgefandi: Forlagið (2020) Harðspjalda | 272 bls. Tungumál: ÍslenskaÞyngd: 1.000 gVettlingarnir í þessari bók eiga sér fyrirmyndir frá 19. og 20. öld sem varðveittar eru á Heimilisiðnaðarsafninu á Blönduósi. Þessar nýju útfærslur gera okkur kleift að viðhalda þeirri þjóðlegu hefð að nota handprjónaða vettlinga og um leið að halda til haga fallegum sígildum mynstrum frá gömlum tíma. Áhersla er lögð á að hafa úrvalið fjölbreytt, bæði í mynsturgerð og prjóntækni, svo að hér geta allir fundið eitthvað við sitt hæfi. Guðrún Hannele Henttinen, höfundur bókarinnar, er textílkennari að mennt og hefur kennt prjón í mörg ár. Hún hefur rekið garnverslunina Storkinn í meira en áratug. Smellið hér til að fara á síðu með kennslumyndböndum sem tengjast vettlingaprjóni. Smellið hér til að sjá skjal með leiðréttingum.
Höfundur: Yoko HattaÙtgefandi: Tuttle Publishing (2019)Mjúkspjalda | 128 bls. Þyngd: 680 g | Mál: 216 x 292 x 15.24 mm
Japanese Knitting Stitches from Tokyo's Kazekobo Studio :
A Dictionary of 200 Stitch Patterns by Yoko Hatta
This exciting new Japanese stitch dictionary is from popular designer Yoko Hatta-the founder and driving force behind the Kazekobo Studio. Though this is her first book in English, her work already has an extensive following in Western countries-more than 1,000 of her designs can be seen on Ravelry.com. Hatta is one of several Japanese knitters whose patterns and designs have sparked an explosion of interest in Japanese knitting techniques and aesthetics around the world. Her work in knitwear design spans more than thirty years, and knitters love her modern-yet-timeless, fun-yet-classy styles. This book presents her 200 favorite Kazekobo stitch patterns-a delightful selection of multipurpose knit-and-purl, lace, cable, Aran and rib & twist stitches in solids and motifs. Sample projects give knitters a chance to practice Hatta's techniques. These include: Mini mufflers using knit-and-purl stitches A cozy scallop-edged scarf using lace stitches A beautifully textured pair of mittens using cable and Aran stitches A stylish and sturdy pair of two-tone socks using rib and twist stitches Experienced knitters will find a wealth of unique patterns just waiting to be brought to life. A guide to the basic symbols shows how to knit the stitches, step-by-step. Originally published in Japanese by Nihon Vogue, whose books have brought the designs of artists such as Hitomi Shida, Keiko Okamoto and others to knitters around the world, this book will be a much-anticipated addition to every knitter's library.