
Höfundur: Jenna Kostet

Útgefandi: Laine Publishing (2024)

Harðspjalda | 200 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 810  g | Mál: 190 x 250 x 20 mm


Bók með fallegum tvíbandaprjónuðum peysum. Svar finnska hönnuðarins Jenni Kostet við íslensku lopapeysunni. Ef þú ætlar að eignast eina klassíska bók með tvíbandaprjóni þá er það þessi. Það gerist ekki oft að allar peysurnar í bókinni kalla á mann og vilja láta prjóna sig. Fyrir þá sem vilja fylgir ljóð og þjóðsaga úr Kalevala með hverri uppskrift.

Bókin inniheldur 20 uppskriftir (13 peysur, 2 jakkapeysur, 1 kjól, 3 sokka og einn hálsklút.

Sígild prjónhönnun!

Uppskriftirnar innihalda bæði mynsturteikningar og skriflegar vinnulýsingar.

Er á lager

Knitted Kalevala II follows Jenna Kostet’s first knitting book, an international bestseller published in 2022. Continuing her journey into the world of mythology, tradition and stories, this sequel promises to captivate knitters and folklore enthusiasts alike.

This book contains 20 colourwork patterns inspired by poems from the Kalevala, considered a national epic in Finland. From sweaters and cardigans to cosy accessories, this collection offers various designs showcasing various shapes and constructions. The poems’ stories come to life in colourwork featured at the yoke, hem or sleeves — all worked using only two colours at a time.

“Most knitters would agree that crafting increases your happiness. Even if we aren’t rune singers, we are still part of an endless chain of tradition.” – Jenna Kostet.


200 pages
20 patterns: 13 sweaters, 2 cardigans, 1 dress, 3 pairs of socks, and 1 cowl.
Patterns for sweaters and cardigans come in 7–9 sizes.
Available in English and Finnish.
Publication day August 16, 2024.

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