
Höfundur: Claire Gelder

Útgefandi: Search Press  (2023)

Harðspjalda | 128 bls.

Þyngd: 280 g |  Mál: ‎127 x 180 mm

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Search Press

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Perfect for complete beginners, Claire clearly explains everything you need to know about knitting: how to read a ball band, how to get tension correct, how to choose needles and yarns, how to cast on and how to read abbreviations and knitting patterns. It is structured as a simple three-step course that will help you progress from bronze to gold as your skills and confidence grow. Start with the basic stitches and simple joining, build up a few more stitches for your collection, then finally add in some simple shaping and some pompoms. Before you know it you’ll be knitting a garter stitch scarf, herringbone stitch blanket, a loop stitch cushion and a pompom hat.

Filled with positive affirmations and beautifully illustrated, this wonderful book is a perfect introduction to knitting for a complete beginner.

Table of Contents

A little bit about me and Wool Couture 6

What’s in this book? 12

The three steps to becoming a knitter 13

Your knitting place 16

What you need to start knitting 20

Yarn 24

Knitting needles 34

Your First Stitches

Slip knot 40, Casting on 44, Knit stitch 48, Purl stitch 52, Stocking stitch 54, Casting off 56, Counting rows and stitches 58, Measuring tension (gauge) 62, Weaving in the ends 66, Joining in a new ball of yarn 68, Understanding abbreviations 70, Following a pattern 74, Reading through a simple pattern 75, Bronze level project: Garter stitch scarf 76

Your Next Stitches

Seed stitch 82, Slipping stitches 84, Knitting into the back of a stitch 86, Herringbone stitch 88, Decreasing stitches 90, Silver level project: Herringbone stitch blanket 94

Other Stitch Techniques

Increasing stitches 100, Loop stitch 106, Mattress stitch 110, Gold level project: Loop stitch pillow 114, Rib stitch 118, Making pompoms 120, Bonus level project: Simple hat 122

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