
Þessi frábæra bók er komin aftur vegna eftirspurnar. Við höfum selt á annað hundrað eintök til þessa og það er skiljanlegt því bókin er gimsteinn!

Höfundur: Maruta Grasmane

Útgefandi: Senā Klēts (The Old Granary) (2015)

Harðspjalda | 438 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 1.450 g | Mál: 28,5 x 16 cm

MITTENS OF LATVIA er bók frá þjóðminjasafninu í Lettlandi með 178 hefðbundnum lettneskum vettlingamynstrum.

Fjallað er um lettneska vettlingahefð og prjóntækni sem tengist þeirra vettlingaprjóni. Hver vettlingur er með mynsturteikningu í lit. Útskýrt er hvað táknin í mynstrunum þýða. Vettlingana er margra að finna á minjasöfnum í Lettlandi og eru frá 18. öld.

Ótrúlega falleg og eiguleg bók sem allt áhugafólk um vettlinga ætti að eignast.

Höfundurinn Maruta Grasmane er þjóðfræðingur og rannsakaði lettnesku vettlingahefðina og færði í þessa fræðandi og fallegu bók. Þetta er yfirgripsmesta bók sem komið hefur út um lettneska vettlinga til þessa.


Latvian Mittens

The book is a perfectly designed trustworthy historical encyclopaedia. At the same time it is also a practical treatise encouraging knitters to carry on ancient traditions with original and exciting patterns. The left hand page presents the pattern, the right hand one shows a knitted mitten for better visual perception of the pattern. Every sample of a mitten carries with it the precise historical information about the location where it comes from, the museum where the original can be found and its inventory number. Every pattern presented by the book is unique, but they still all have roots in the cradle of Indo-European culture and it is easy to see resemblances with ethnographic sign systems in many other traditional cultures.

The tradition of knitting mittens stems from the cold weather of Northern Europe; although it is worth mentioning that centuries ago mittens played a decorative role as well. By fastening them behind the waistband, they were worn in summer as a bijouterie and adornment. For several centuries they were the main form of gift and endowed with magical significance. Latvia is famous for the fact that the oldest mittens have been found here by archaeologists. They are estimated to be approximately ten centuries old. These days Latvian mittens, so diverse in their colours and patterns are still an essential part of our winter clothing. Although there is always the possibility to wear synthetic gloves, the originality, tradition, warmth and sense of Latvia that is knitted into a mitten will be always worth a compliment.

Mittens are a very important part of several Latvian traditions. Probably the most popular role played by mittens was at wedding. Tradition says that before an unmarried girl entered into marriage she had to fill a hope chest. Mittens were an important part of the chest. The most lavish chests contained several hundred pairs of hand made mittens. They were given as gifts. Early tradition calls this giving process dedicating or devoting. The mittens were given to the mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and other people involved in organising the wedding. They were dedicated to cows, sheep, and horses and left in places where the newly-weds were going to live. The most exiting fact is that every mitten had to be knitted in a different design using different patterns; otherwise the maids were laughed at. This could not have been done if not for the rich and diverse Latvian ethnographic culture. To fit together like a hand and a glove – saying about good marriage.

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