
Höfundur: Judit Gummlich

Útgefandi: Laine Publishing (2023)

Harðspjalda | 200 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 1.030 g | Mál: 213 x 278 x 20 mm 


EMBROIDERY ON KNITS er ein af þessum konfektmolabókum sem eru eru allt í senn fallegar, nytsamlegar og fylla mann löngun til að hefjast handa við nýjar hannyrðir. Hér kennir Judit Gummlich hvernig er hægt að skreyta nýjar og gamlar peysur með ullarútsaumi, sem er í eðli sínu grófari og þ.a.l. fljótlegri en annar útsaumur. Því geta þau sem hafa ekki fengist áður við útsaum tekið sín fyrstu spor með aðstoð hinnar hæfileikaríku Juditar og þessarar bókar.

Bókin er á ensku.

Upplýsingar á ensku:

“My aim is to provide a trail of knowledge and inspiration you can follow.”

Transform your knits with a handful of simple embroidery stitches: a cosy cardigan embellished with bright flowers, a dragonfly on the front of a sweater and mittens with plants climbing up the back of the hand. This timeless embroidery book features 18 nature-inspired templates, generously complimented by insightful tips and ideas on how to use them. Embroidery on Knits is an in-depth guide to contemporary stitching with and on wool, explaining every step of the process — from planning to finished project. It is a source of inspiration and knowledge for crafty beginners and savvy stitchers alike.

Judit Gummlich is a multi-talented crafter who has worked in theatre costume departments for more than 20 years. She is a passionate knitter, gardener, beekeeper and nature lover. Judit lives with her husband, bees and two cats in Hamburg, Germany. Embroidery on Knits is her first book.

Note: Knitting patterns are not included in the book.
Note: Download the digital templates for Embroidery on Knits

Learn more:

Project Previews for Embroidery on Knits
Judit Gummlich – Celebrating Wool Embroidery

Útgáfudagur 29. september 2023.

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