
Eco Vita #3. The Mender’s Wardrobe

Útsaums- og mynsturbók frá DMC í Eco Vita línunni. Hér geta þau sem vilja lengja líf flíkanna sinna eða endurnýjað og skreytt með útsaumi fengið fullt af flottum hugmyndum. Í bókinni eru 21 hugmynd til að fegra og gera við fatnað með stæl. Hver flík mun endurspegla skapandi lífstíl og sjálfbærni! Allur útsaumur gerir ráð fyrir að notað sé DMC Eco Vita organic útsaumsgarnið.

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Eco Vita No. 3. The Mender’s Wardrobe offers a collection of 21 gorgeous designs that fuse knitting, creative patchwork and embroidery, using DMC Eco Vita naturally dyed organic wool. This book is much more than a set of patterns; it is an invitation to weave a world where beauty and sustainability intertwine.Each design is an expression of sustainable renewal, where sewing becomes a celebration of conservation, decoration, personalization and ecological awareness. Naturally dyed organic wool yarns add a special dimension to each project, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect a commitment to eco-friendly craftsmanship.Explore the pages of The Mender’s Wardrobe and discover projects that go beyond conventional fashion. From creative mending to enchanting embroidery, this book will guide you through a unique experience where fashion merges with sustainability.Eco Vita No. 3 – The Mender’s Wardrobe book features:

  • It contains 21 projects of embellishments and patchwork to make with organic wool.
  • Each design is accompanied by explanations and photographs.
  • Projects to be made with DMC Eco Vita Merino wool.