
Höfundur: Nicholas Ball

Útgefandi: Lucky Spool (2024)

Harðspjalda | 176 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 1215 g | Mál: ‎225 x 285 mm 


Improv bútasaumur er ekki nýr af nálinni.

Hann hefur sér mikla sögu og vekur áhuga og innblástur. Slíkur bútasaumur hefur lengi verið annað en bara til nytja. Improv bútasaumur getur verið með pólitísk skilaboð, minningar um fallna ástvini, hann getur verið heilandi og hann stendur einnig sem viðurkennt listform. Það eru bæði sögulegar skrásetningar og persónulegar sögur í þessari tvískinnu, ,Use & Ornament’.

Aðeins 2 eftir á lager

Use & Ornament: an exploration of the improv quilt is the author’s love letter to improv quilting. Part history book, part technique book, Use & Ornament explores improv quilting through historical and contemporary examples, showcasing that they have long been more than objects of utility. The patchwork quilt can give voice to political protest, memorialise a loved one, be a cathartic outlet, and still hold its own against works realised in more recognised fine art media.

Throw away your patterns and let your imagination soar as you explore Nicholas’ techniques to add to the rich story of improv quilting. The featured quilts offer inspiration and a liberated approach to sewing, opening up a world of creative possibilities as you experiment with textures, shapes, and colors.

Use and Ornament is a great resource that takes the reader through the story of improvisation and gives the reader sparks of inspiration using the perfect balance of guided instruction and creative freedom.

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