
Höfundur: Alice Makabe

Útgefandi: Search Press (2021)

Mjúkspjalda | 112 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 435 g | Mál: 210 x 260 mm

Falleg bók fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga á frjálsum útsaumi. Höfundur er japönsk og hefur áður gefið út 4 bækur um útsaum í sínu heimalandi, en þetta er fyrsta bókin hennar á ensku. Alice Makabe hefur fylgjendur um allan heim, yfir 60 þúsund á Instagram: @alice_makabe.


Upplýsingar á ensku:

Celebrate the beauty of botanical embroidery with this collection of 30 stunning projects designed by renowned Japanese embroidery artist, Alice Makabe.

As embroidery continues to grow as a contemporary craft of choice, discover the beauty of botanical embroidery with this collection of 30 exquisite motifs and projects inspired by flowers, fruit, foliage and other natural forms. Stitch your way through an assortment of elegant designs organized by colour, from pinks and subtle yellows to lush greens and moody blues. Learn how to use specific embroidery stitches to replicate the textures and shapes of flowers, leaves and stems. The book includes full-size, easy-to-follow templates and a useful embroidery stitch guide. As well as the beautiful embroidery motifs, there are also project instructions for creating gorgeous bags, aprons, pillow covers, pincushions, pouches and more.

Table of Contents

Introduction 6
White 9
Blue 15
Pink 21
Green 28
Yellow 34
Tools & Materials 42
Getting Started 46
Project Instructions 60
Embroidery Stitch Guide 112

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