

Finnskt tímarit (á ensku) með prjónhönnun á heimsmælikvarða. Margir hönnuðir leggja hönd á plóg og tryggja úrval að áhugaverðum peysum og fylgihlutum. Mikil áhersla er lögð á greinagóðar uppskriftir. Þá fyglir ein mataruppskrift að auki. Stílhreint tímarit á ensku með fallegri myndatöku.

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Smellið HÉR til að skoða myndir með því helsta úr LAINE 22.

Our Autumn issue Laine 22, Aalto, features cosy yet stylish knits for the season! The issue is also a celebration of architecture — the photos were taken in the Paimio Sanatorium, designed by the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The building’s unique colours and shapes offered the perfect backdrop to our autumn knits, full of interesting styles and techniques from cables and lace to textured patterns.

Designers featured in this issue: Anna DakuInés García SuárezMaria GomesGudrun JohnstonPauliina LeistiYukie OnoderaEri ShimizuMegumi ShinagawaKaroline Skovgaard BentsenAyano Tanaka and Maaike van Geijn.

Issue 22, Autumn 2024, includes:
148 pages
11 knitting patterns (both charts and written instructions provided): 6 sweaters, 2 cardigans and 3 shawls.
An interview with the Finnish knitwear designer Jenna Kostet, who has turned the poems of the famous epic, Kalevala, into tradition-inspired knitwear patterns and charmed both Finnish and international knitters.
An article about circular economy in the world of yarn — how recycled yarns can be turned into a sustainable and viable business, with end products that delight knitters.
Jeanette Sloan’s column Fibre Talk, where she chats with Alyson Chu: an Edinburgh-based Chinese American podcaster, designer and publisher of the crochet magazine Moorit, among other things.
Five Ways by our regular writer Päivi Kankaro, where we get to read expert’s tips for yarn substitutions in knitting patterns.
Where I Knit: A regular piece that pictures people knitting in their favourite spot. In this issue, we meet Jessica Antonio-Notarianni who knits at the beach on Jersey Shore, USA.
Seasonal recipes to inspire your autumn cooking.
Book reviews.