
Höfundur: ROWAN

Útgefandi: Rowan (2023)

Mjúkspjalda | 161 bls.

Tungumál: Enska

Þyngd: 850 g | Mál: ‎240 x 310 mm

ROWAN tímaritin koma út tvisvar á ári, vor- og sumarblað og haust- og vetrarblað. Hver tímarit er fullt af uppskriftum fyrir dömur og herra, peysur og fylgihlutir eftir helstu hönnuði Rowan hvers tíma. Flestar uppskriftirnar eru fyrir prjón en það eru einnig hekluppskriftir inn á milli.

Í nýjustu blöðunum hefur peysum sem eru prjónaðar í hring og jafnvel ofan frá fjölgað.

Storkurinn er ein af fáum garnbúðum sem hafa selt Rowan garn og tímarit frá upphafi Rowan. Við eigum því sýnishorn af öllum útgefnum blöðum og mörg þeirra eru enn í sölu.

Aðeins 3 eftir á lager

Magazine 74

Hönnuðir: Martin Storey, Arne & Carlos, Quail Studio, Lisa Richardson, Kaffe Fassett, Erika Knight, Georgia Farrell, Vibe Ulrik, Chloe Thurlow.

In Rowan Magazine 74 we are shining a spotlight on two yarns – the first being a firm favourite that has been in the Rowan range for nearly a quarter of a century, Felted Tweed, and new kid on the block, Fine Tweed Haze.

Felted Tweed My Way celebrates this very special yarn whilst championing the individuality of the Rowan design team. This is a yarn which is as fantastic for bold and brilliant colourwork as for a classic one colour sweater. The designers do Felted Tweed their way, resulting in a wonderfully eclectic mix of designs and styles which is synonymous with Rowan.

In Fine Tweed Haze we explore our new yarn which is a lightweight version of much-loved Tweed Haze. With a modern tweed look, punctuated with flecks of contrasting colours, it is as perfect for one-colour designs as it is for Fair Isle and slip stitch. The designers explore interesting stitch work and techniques, including top down and in the round.

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